Aunt Marillyns Toast to Us

2008 August 08

Created by Corinne 14 years ago
Dear Ma, I wanted to share with you the toast that your lovely sister put together. Good evening family and friends of Mr & Mrs Gerald Angell. I am Gerrys Aunt Marilyn, sister to his mother Patti Angell. I know she is looking down from heaven on the two of you tonight on this auspicious occasion and saying to everyone, thats my eldest son Gerry thats my boy. He cleans up real nice doesn't he? Today is so special for us all to have the privilege to celebrate your coming together in marriage to hear you promise to love, honor and be best friends. Corinne you look so beautiful, radiant and full of joy. My question to you is... What did you do to deserve Gerry? Did he lure you in with of Kraft dinner or hot dogs? He sure lucked out on you! I think Gerry and all of us could clearly see the qualitites in you that Gerrys mom had. Cheerful, kind, giving and always thinking of others. These qualities were evident in your planning of this day. With all the care and love u put into it, being mindful to make everyone feel welcome. Much like Patti who always had an open door and a cup of tea for anyone who dropped by. Why is was just only yesterday August 11, 1984 when Uncle Jay and I were married thats 24 wonderful years ago and young Gerry was a mere 3 years old dressed in a little white suit and assigned to be the ring bearer. Our day like yours was picture perfect with a few unforgettable Gerry Angell moments. He was having a bit of lunch before meeting us at the next door neighbours pool to take photos with the wedding party. He arrived late for the photos as he haf apparently stuffed a peice of Kraft dinner noodles in his nostril and when his mom said blow out he inhaled and the noodle kept going farther and farther up his nose. so far he had to be take to the emergency room to have the noodle removed. He arrived just in time so cute and innocent all dressed in his white tuxedo. While being photographed with the bridal party he dropped his knickers and peed in the swimming pool. By the way Gerry, if this toast is taking too long feel free to get up and pee.. by the way the second time he couldn't hold his water was... after our wedding ceremony where upon he peed on the front steps of the cathedral he just couldn't wait for a washroom. tiny bladder i guess... Gerrys Aunt Nan and Aunt Rose have been like a 2nd mom to Gerry and believe me they wanted so badly to be up here to wax lyrical about young Gerry but who are we kidding you know Gerry, they would both be in a puddle of tears and speechless to say to you what you know is in our hearts. May God be with you and bless you: May you see your children's children May you be poor in misfortune Rich in blessings. May you know nothing but happiness from this day forward. May green be the grass you walk on May blue be the skies above you. May pure be the joys that surround you May true be the hearts that love you. It is with great pleasure and pride I toast the bride and welcome you into our family. Ladies and Gentlemean...the the bride... Mrs Gerald Angell